一、Url映射到Controller ActionResult(Method)
public class StoreController : Controller { // // GET: /Store/ //public ActionResult Index() //{ // return View(); //} public string Index(string name) //理解Url如何对应到Controller { return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Welcome," + name + "!"); // Store/Index?name=Admin } public string Browse(string genre) { return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("You're Browsing Genre " + genre);//Store/Browse?genre=Jaze } public string Details(string album) { return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("This is the Detail of " + album);//Store/Details?album=爱在西元前 } }
(2)修改Globe.asax的RegisterRoute方法,让StoreController index成为默认主页
二、ActionResult接收URL, 用View展示处理结果
The content from our individual views will be displayed by the @RenderBody() command, and any common content that we want to appear outside of that can be added to the _Layout.cshtml markup.
(2)在_Layout.cshtml中添加 css引用和 ul li. (可以删除原来的_Layout.cshtml,再新建一个_Layout.cshtml)
(1)添加Album,用DetailView 显示Album细节
>在StoreController中添加Action Details(int albumID)
>为Details Action 添加View, 在View中 声明接收对象的类型,在View中显示Model对象的信息
>Store C 添加Browse方法, 用list向View传递所有Genre
六、Html.ActionLink(text,ActionName,new{para=value}) 在页面中添加动态链接